Yarn covered stairs for International Yarn Bombing Day, Sydney, Australia (CC by JAM Project) – From BBC.com
Jun, 9th, 2012 – Today is the 2nd Annual International Yarn Bombing Day ever! That’s right, although yarn bombing has been around for awhile, a day to celebrate it (worldwide) only started last year! I remember when the first yarn bombing day came around last year and I’d never heard of it. Only to discover that it was just created and by accident! The event, created by Canadian yarn bomber Joann Matvichuk, was conceived as a way to unite guerrilla knitters and crocheters the world over. Read more about IYBD and Joann at the below links!
Instagram has a featured page all about International Yarn Bombing Day!. You can also search Instagram using hashtag #yarnbombing to see a treasure trove of yarn bombing pics from around the globe.
Yarn bombing pics from around the world – From Instagram
Via http://www.bbc.com/travel/blog/20120604-worldwide-weird-international-yarn-bombing-day