Ever since I discovered this website last year, I’ve been checking it out as part of my daily news. It’s basically a site about other sewing blogs! finds all the best sewing blogs around the web and aggregates all the best news articles from these blogs.

To best describe it – It’s kind of like a cross between Twitter and Except there’s no need to gather followers. And there’s no need to hit all your favorite sewing blogs separately! It’s also akin to a news aggregator or RSS reader.

Simply hit the website and start reading through the latest news stream. It’s easy to navigate and displayed in an easy to digest format. What I like is that all the news comes from blogs just like mine. I like personal opinion alot (heh), so I tend to get most of my news and research from online resources like Twitter and other blogs.

BONUS! They have a handy feature that helps you get the news that is most relevant to you. All the articles are “favorited” by it’s community and readers. So the better the readers are at “liking” or favorite-ing the content, the better the content will be. It’s also curated by the in-house crew at and some guest curators, like myself! Coincidentally, I got a lovely note awhile back from Seamingly inviting me to contribute. So naturally I was super excited to be a part of the community.

The website is provided entirely for free to anyone who’d like to browse or join. You are able to create an account, sign in, and begin “luving” all the articles you find most noteworthy. Just hit the button with a ❤ on it! You can also keep track of your faves for later reference. Do a search on what you’re looking for. Or see what news is currently trending in the sewing blogosphere. I found out about National Sewing Month and The Sheep & Wool Family Festival from!

It’s worth checking out! I am already working on a plan of attack for this year’s holiday season presents! And Seamingly will be a handy resource. More about and its creators coming soon!