Fabric.com is no longer?? Apparently, it shut its actual and virtual doors in Oct 2022?! I’m sure a huge blowout sale was had. But I am just finding about all this NOW!! Two years later. Now what?!
I was recently looking for Apparel and Accessory Fabrics for a new project I am looking into! #1. An easy Onesie or Jumpsuit. #2. A Tote. I love Onesies, Jumpsuits, One Piece Jumpers, or Rompers! Particularly, ones with balloon pants or shorts! I live in them and love them for the ease and ease of care! I also love Totes!! All manner, for any occasion. From Groceries to Errands to Project Organization like Knitting! Reusable Lunch Totes! Yoga or Gym Totes! Dog or Pet Diaper Bags! Work Totes for Laptop, Lunch, Commuting! Picnic Totes! Day Trip Totes! Whatever your activity. I like to have just the right “bag” for the occasion.
So I decided to finally look into creating my own. My own custom-made faves! So, I am in the process of drafting my own… However, when cracking open my resources for just such pursuits…. I realized many of my faves were no longer!? Including Fabric.com. A beloved online purveyor of Fabrics for 30 years!?
So what to do?? I am in the process of scrambling for a suitable purveyors now. Add in, I recently moved to a region that no longer has options like Mood Fabrics!!! Yes, an institution in the Sewing and Fashion world based right in NYC. Sadly, this is now no longer an option for me since moving to the West-ish Coast. As were many Fashion and Apparel Fabric options that came with being a New Yorker! So now what? My recent excursions to hunt for these treasures only resulted in options like Joann! Large national retailers that are often well-known for being overpriced and majority “hobby” or “craft” selections. Forget, making a City Tote out of the perfect weight Metallic Linen or a Jumper made of the perfect Knit Fabric or Rayon Blend that is both fashionable and chic! Contemporary yet Classic. I turned to my fabric stash which had some great options for Cotton Totes but not many for a Jumper! So now what?
Amazon apparently bought Fabric.com in 2008, then decided to close it in 2022. Browsing to Fabric.com, now takes you to an Amazon section for Fabric and Sewing Projects. Where you can still find a huge selection of Fabrics for your sewing needs. But is it the same?? No.
Has anyone found any new suitable alternatives and replacements for Fabric.com?? An initial search just brought me to many blog posts lamenting the closure of Fabric.com. But not many with some great option. A long ago post of my most fave Fabric Purveyors in NYC, including online retailers, are also quite outdated.
Online can be tough for Apparel Fabrics. For Quilting and Craft, online is fabulous. It is much easier to determine if the material is right for your project. For Fashion, Apparel, and Accessories, seeing these fabrics in person to determine the weight, drape, color, texture, etc, in-person, is much more effective. Therefore, brick and mortar fabric shops for just these projects can be essential.
So what does one do when they’re in a Fabric/Textile/Fashion “desert”? Here are some options I dug up that look promising. Where do you like to go for Apparel/Fashion Textiles? Or Craft/Hobby/Home Dec?
- Mood Fabrics NYC https://www.moodfabrics.com/
- Mood on Amazon https://amzn.to/41A2YBX
- Metro Textiles NYC https://metrotextilesnyc.com/
- Online Fabric Store https://www.onlinefabricstore.com/
- Vogue Fabrics https://www.voguefabricsstore.com/
- Fashion Fabric LA https://www.fashionfabricla.com/
- Fashion Fabrics Club https://fashionfabricsclub.com/
- Fabric Worm https://www.fabricworm.com/
- Revival Fabrics https://revivalfabrics.com/
- Fabric Wholesale Direct https://fabricwholesaledirect.com/
- Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics http://www.stonemountainfabric.com
- Classic Modern https://classicmodernfabrics.com/
- Discovery Fabrics https://discoveryfabrics.com/
- Fancy Frocks Fabrics https://fancyfrocksfabrics.com/
- Nature’s Fabrics http://www.naturesfabrics.com
- Elliot Berman http://www.elliottbermantextiles.com
My previous post on Fabric, Fabric, Fabric https://omgheart.com/2010/11/09/fabric-fabric-fabric/.
PatternReview is often a go-to resource for many Sewists. I got some great options looking there too!