ADJUSTABLE! Babies and kids grow so fast. Creating a mask that can fit for at least a year or two can be difficult. I tried to create one where the fabric portion was big enough to fit for at least 1-2 years and included an adjustable strap to allow for re-adjusting as necessary (and for a snug fit)! It also features a lighter weight mask, only 2 layers.

This is a Pleated Face Mask with 2-Layers based on my Pleated Face Mask for adults and uses my adjustable “Loop and Strap” design.
It is also constructed exactly the same way as the pleated mask except with only 2 layers and 2 pleats. Follow the step-by-step tutorial for Pleated Face Mask substituting the following dimensions:

Baby (6mos – 18mos)
Two 5″ x 4.5″ Squares
8″ Elastic Strap
1.0″ Pleat
0.5″ Gap
Make 2 Pleats
Finished Size
4.5″ Wide, min 2.25″ – 3.5″ Height
Preschool (3yo – 5yo)*
Two 6″ x 6″ Squares
8″ Elastic Strap
1.25″ Pleat
0.75″ Gap
Make 2 Pleats
Finished Size
4.5″ Wide, min 4.0″ – 5.5″ Height
*This size is not complete yet. These are the pre-planned dimensions.

DIY: Face Mask #6 Pleated Mask for Baby & Preschool | Omg! Heart – DIY Face Mask Instructions
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